May 2024 Centered + Cyclical

Tune into video below!

Apr 20, 10:27 PM: Jupiter conjunct Uranus 21˚50’ Tau

Apr 29, 7:31 AM:  Venus enters Taurus

Apr 30, 11:33 AM: Mars enters Aries

“When lightning strikes…”

May 2: Pluto stations retrograde at 2° Aquarius 06 Rx

May 6: Mercury post-rx conjunction with Chiron at 21˚02’

May 7, 11:22pm: New Moon 18˚02’ Taurus

“Keep tending the seed…”

May 13, 5:13 AM: Sun conjunct Uranus 23˚06’ Taurus

May 13: Mercury leaves the Rx Zone at 27° Aries 13′

May 15, 1:36 AM: Ceres Retrograde at 21 Cap 33

May 15, 1:05 PM: Mercury enters Taurus

May 16, 1:32 PM: Pallas Rx enters Scorpio

May 18, 7:40 AM: Venus conjunct Uranus 23˚24’ Taurus

May 18, 2:45 PM: Sun conjunct Jupiter 28˚18’ Taurus

May 20, 8:59 AM: Sun enters Gemini

May 23, 4:29 AM:Venus conjunct Jupiter 29˚23’ Taurus

May 23, 9:53am: Full Moon 2˚55’ Sagittarius

May 23, 4:30 PM: Venus enters Gemini

May 23, 5:44 PM: Jupiter 29˚31’ Taurus sextile Neptune 29˚31’ Pisces

May 25, 7:15 PM: Jupiter enters Gemini

May 31, 1:54 AM: Mercury conjunct Uranus 24˚08' Taurus

June 4th - Venus-Sun conjunction Gemini

Taurus Solar Season 2024

Wild Possibilities and Courageous Leaps of Faith in the Taurus Solar Month w/ the Astro Priestesses

Discover why the Taurus Solar Month is filled with unexpected possibilities that are helping us to envision a New Earth Paradise as we embrace Gratitude and embody acceptance and healthy sacred pleasure. 

Here are links going deeper into a few things we didn't have time to cover more deeply. 

Nura encouraged us to Dance to the Music so this is a song titled Dance to the Music published in 1968 

Uranus in Taurus 

Cayelin has been celebrating the Sky Mysteries for over 33 years from the visionary understanding that we inform the mysteries as much as they inform us. Mar Guerrero shares the ancestral wisdom of Astrology, Shamanism, and Breathwork to inspire the souls of the people that she works with to remember, transform and create in alignment with their essence. Nura Rachelle integrates Intuitive skill-building, Embodiment and Transformational Coaching in her astrological offerings. Jaime Goldstein is an intuitive astrologer who seeks to bring the Sky Mysteries down and in as she supports others to embody their Star Wisdom to live their Sacred Purpose.

April Centered + Cyclical 2024

We are in the eclipse portal, how are you doing?!

This is a month very hosted by Mars - what do I mean by that? And what does it mean for you? Tune into the video below to learn more!

It’s about aligned action, but first, a pause, a reflection, a re-attunement to ourselves so we can integrate, settle, and then consciously shift

The shift is very centered on action, receiving, tuning into our confidence, faith and self-trust, balancing masculine and feminine ways of creating. Mars and Venus, the guides of our karmic axis journey are in each others’ signs, with Venus in Aries for most of the month, and Mars in Venus’ sign of exaltation, Pisces.

They’re very keyed into each other, and offering a reversal of traditional strategies, teaching each other a lot. This might be something you’re noticing around the masculine and feminine energies surrounding you in your life right now, and how that might be altering your creative process.

We often need to experience a major pattern interrupt to reset our creative flow, and reconnect with the reality of right now - we’re both being invited to fast forward in terms of possibilities, but also to slow down and really listen to what our instincts are telling us about the best way to move forward

We are then shifting the polarities again at the end of the month with Venus + Mars entering their own signs, which will bring some major forward motion.

This is all underscoring the high amplitude of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction happening April 20th, arguably the most important transit of the year, that has of course been somewhat ‘eclipsed’ by the attention given to the eclipse portal, a major energy shift in its own right. So this is a big month for change, growth, awakening, and liberation, and I fully intend to engage with it with as much conscious embodiment as possible, as that’s how we receive the Divine downloads with the greatest affect in our lives.

Apr 1: Mercury stations retrograde at 27° Aries 13’Rx
Apr  3, 9:10 AM: Venus conjunct Neptune 28˚00’ Pisces

Apr  5, 12:00 AM: Venus enters Aries

Apr 7: Moon conjunct Venus - Venus gate - death by intent, last gate before she enters underworld, 3˚06’ Aries

Apr 8: Total Solar Eclipse at 19˚24’ Aries

Apr 10: Mars conjunct Saturn 14˚41’ Pisces

Where our fear is, our desire is also

Whatever we want in life, we need to evaluate it (Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus) from the space of both what we desire about it, and what we fear about it, why we want it, and why we don’t want it

Moon translates light about 10 hours prior of this exact transit to bring the sextile of the energies between Saturn-Mars and Jupiter-Uranus

Apr 15: Mercury Rx conjunct Chiron at 19˚48’ Aries, the solar eclipse seed point

Apr 19: Sun enters Taurus

Apr 20: Jupiter conjunct Uranus 21˚50’ Taurus

Apr 21: Juno Direct at  6˚18’ Virgo

Apr 23: Full Moon 4˚18’ Scorpio
Apr 25: Mercury stations direct at 15° Aries 59’D

Apr 29: Mars conjunct Neptune 28˚53’ Pisces
Apr 29  Venus enters Taurus
Apr 30: Mars enters Aries

March Centered + Cyclical

Key transits this month:

March 3: Venus square Uranus - mutual reception implies a smoother type of conflict, ultimately resulting in greater awareness of priorities and values in relationships, observed with loving non-attachment and freedom orientation

March 8: Mercury conjunct Neptune 27˚01’ Pisces - dissolving of linear, rational models, in favor of intuitive ways of knowing

March 9: Mercury enters Aries + Mars square Uranus - be careful of trying to move ahead too fast, be wary of accidents due to disembodiment

March 10: New Moon 20˚16’ Pisces - closest new moon to the earth of all 2024, more impact on the earth, conjunct Hygaea. New beginnings of holistic health and intuitive mastery

March 11: Venus enters Pisces - big wave of feelings, healing, catharsis, poetry, dance, music, feeling the beautiful ALLness of being human

March 17: Sun conjunct Neptune 27˚22’ Pisces - reconnecting with Great Mystery

March 18: Mercury enters Rx Zone at 15°59’ Aries - start writing everything down, take note of what is about to potentially repeat itself in your thoughts or conversations, reflecting on self, courage, initiations

March 19: Sun enters Aries - illuminating the Divine Child within, you are the hero/heroine of your own life

March 21: Venus conjunct Saturn 12˚26’ Pisces - big, practical love, bringing harmony and easy to what has been challenging, intuitive flow

March 22: Mars enters Pisces - spiritual warrior, warrior of healing, peace and love

March 25: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 5˚07' Libra (Solar eclipse April 8th) - tune into all you’ve been healing through relationally since last October’s eclipse season. How do you know yourself better?

March 29: Pallas Retrograde at  8˚36’ Sagittarius - remembering your Wild

March 31: Vesta enters Cancer - take good care of yourself

This is a month to clear out the old to make space for the new.

It’s a time of spiritual renewal, and soulful cleansing.

It’s a time to put yourself first.

To support you, 1:1 sessions are available here.

Get your 2024 horoscopes for your sign here. Use code SPRING2024 for 50% off.

It’s also not too late to sign up for some much needed R+R on the beach in Mexico to help you root in your highest healing this eclipse portal. Learn about retreat here.

February Centered + Cyclical

Jan 20, 2024, 7:56 PM: Pluto enters Aquarius

Jan 27, 2:35 AM: Uranus Direct at 19˚05’ Taurus

(64 days) all planets direct until April 1st

Feb  5, 12:10 AM: Mercury enters Aquarius

Feb  5, 7:57 AM: Mercury conjunct  Pluto 0˚30’ Aquarius

Feb  6, 3:04 AM: Pallas enters Sagittarius

Feb  7, 6:08 AM: Ceres enters Capricorn

Feb 7: Venus gate - Moon conjunct Venus at 19˚05’ Capricorn (sacral chakra, creativity)

Feb  8, 4:43 AM: Vesta Direct at 21˚45’ Gemini

Feb 9, 5:59pm: New Moon 20˚41’ Aquarius - Welcome to the Year of the Wood Dragon

Feb 13, 1:05 AM: Mars enters Aquarius

Feb 14, 1:05 AM: Mars conjunct  Pluto 0˚46’ Aquarius

Feb 16, 11:05 AM: Venus enters Aquarius

Feb 17, 3:48 AM: Venus conjunct  Pluto 0˚51’ Aquarius


Feb 18, 11:13 PM: Sun enters Pisces

Feb 19, 4:13 PM: North Node 16˚45’ Aries conjunct Chiron

Feb 22: Venus conjunct Mars at 6˚57’ Aquarius (within 5˚ of Pluto)

Feb 23, 2:29 AM: Mercury enters Pisces

Feb 24, 7:30am, Full Moon 5˚23’ Virgo

Feb 28, 10:07 AM: Mercury conjunct Saturn 9˚45’ Pisces

Feb 28, 4:25 PM Sun conjunct Saturn 9˚47’ Pisces

Great Awakening of Who You're Here to BE: Aquarius season conversations + invitations

Are you feeling the frequency of soul-aligned possibility?

I am 100% feeling it, and I’m so here for it.

We’re about to enter a powerful AIR season.

I say powerful, because that is the ultimate keyword for Pluto, and Pluto is re-entering Aquarius!!!

This is happening right as the Sun enters Aquarius as well. First the Sun connects with Pluto at 29˚ Capricorn, and then leads the way into the great unknown of the future we’re collectively co-creating.

Who are you ready to BE?

What patterns + structures are you graduating from, and what are you being invited to step into?

This is one of those choice-point kinds of times, where the choosing is happening not necessarily from having all of the info and being able to logically map out a linear strategy, but from something more ancient, more timeless, more cyclically aware, more whole-Self soulfully aligned.

We’re being asked to connect with some deeper level of soul-knowing, something beneath the surface of where our intuition has felt safe to go.

We’re being invited to turn our evolutionary power on in a new way, through tuning into our social relationships, our contribution to the collective, and leaning into the deep soul yearnings and urges that want to guide us to create something new.

Pluto can be described as destructive, and I probably don’t have to illuminate that too explicitly for you - just look anywhere in the news and you’ll find it.

But Pluto is also about regeneration, and sometimes the death process before the rebirth is down right ugly. It is painful, traumatic, disorienting, causes us to question our faith in life, and can cause all sorts of trauma responses like dissociation, depression, obsession, anxiety, and other forms of suffering.

Our job is not to avoid this part of the process, but to instead lean deeper into our tools of regeneration and transmutation. To love ourselves in all that’s coming up, to love ourselves through it.

It’s also about knowing what is ours to carry, and where we can be of service.

In a world that needs so much, it can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. This is why it’s crucial to know who YOU are, and YOUR gifts, and YOUR soul mission, so that you can authentically contribute to the collective in the way that only you can.

Maybe it’s through joining an already existing team or organization with like-hearted values and vision.

Maybe it’s through simply finding more creative and empowering ways to connect and relate with the people in your life that you’d like to co-create with.

Maybe it’s through giving yourself the space and time you need to re-member your Self, your gifts, what you naturally share just by being you, and what you value most, where you want to BE the solution.

It’s all good.

There’s not one way you’re supposed to show up. In fact, there is no “supposed to”.

But there is an invitation, and only you will be able to fully decode it for yourself.

Often it takes reminders from others, containers where you are held, invited to express in your wholeness.

It requires permission to listen to yourself, and permission to trust yourself. To trust the way you are being guided to Re-Source yourself.

These are the themes of our time, what we signed up for. This is the time you were born for.

The cosmos are making it pretty obvious with the North Node in Aries, combining with Pluto in Aquarius, combining with Jupiter approaching conjunction with Uranus, all being grounded by Saturn in Pisces…

There is so much happening, all vying for our attention, but with the Sun conjunct Pluto we have the opportunity to RESET OUR ATTENTION to where it matters most.

We can tune into our values (Jupiter + Uranus in Taurus) to see how we get to liberate our daily habits and routines to reconnect with our bigger soul level why (Pluto in Aquarius).

What are your practices for resetting your attention?

What are you being invited to simply look at in a new way?

What tools and spaces of empowerment and re-sourcing can be revealed by the light and illumination of your gaze, your energy?

These are questions we will want to continue asking ourselves, and bringing to the forefront of our conversations as we continue in the new era.

Two conversations that speak to these themes:

Pluto in Aquarius + general January energy with Lisa Warman

Aquarius Season is Way Far Out with Cayelin Castell of the Astro-Priestesses

*Even though they are centered on this month and the Aquarius solar season, these are themes that ground us into all of 2024 and beyond and are PACKED full of wisdom.

More FUN things I’m doing:

*Women’s Retreat in Mexico during April Eclipse portal

*Imbolc Circle February 4th at 10am PST - *more details to come, stay tuned

*I’ve added Horary Consultations (I graduated from the School of Traditional Astrology as an Horary practitioner!) + Quantum Human Designreadings

*Re-Source Women: Feel so resourced that you can live your soul mission.

I’m initiating a whole new collective venture - please reach out if you would be interested in a research conversation with me while I’m in the developing phase. I intend this to be a collective venture, so your input is hugely appreciated! (Pluto in Aquarius applying to my Moon in Aquarius for the next 5 years…)

Key elements: Integrative modalities, community spaces and conversations, collaboration, learning, consulting + coaching organization, new business model, accessibility + integrated forms of collaborative prosperity, spiritual reconnection and empowerment. What do you feel is needed to support our community?

Tuning into reclamation, belonging, liberation, resourcing - these are the big themes this year’s astrology is all about.

How to resource and Re-Source, together.

Here to support you in reclaiming YOU,

Nura xo