Transit Tracking - Personalized Monthly Astrology Subscription


Transit Tracking - Personalized Monthly Astrology Subscription

$111.00 every 4 weeks

Personalized monthly astrology love notes for you (in video/audio form)!

We go over the transits for the month ahead all in specific relation to your natal chart. You can ask any questions you like about your chart, and they can be tailored to specific areas of life or choice points you might be going through.

Receive Transit Tracking Monthly Recordings

We will look ahead month by month at the current transits moving through your personal chart and life, including the lunar cycle, Venus cycle, Goddess asteroids, retrogrades, and overall how things are cosmically lining up for you personally. Please mention what you are interested in on the intake form - for example, if you are working closely with a certain planetary guide, or if you work with a specific house system (I generally use porphyry for transit readings).

I will send you a recorded reading for as long as you are subscribed - you can discontinue at any time.

I look forward to cycling with you!

You can send specific questions to be answered ahead of time by email. You can begin any time of the month.

From the time you sign up, expect to receive your transit tracking monthly recordings within 3-5 days to your inbox. Unless you decide otherwise, I’ll keep sending you your transit tracking around that time of each month.

Some choose to align their transit tracking to the Lunar cycle, beginning with the New Moon. If this is your preference, let me know and I will be sure to send yours out prior to the New Moon each month.